You may decide to keep these Portfolios and Watchlists, rename them or even delete them completely. Underweight - An example Watchlist of stocks that you rate as “Underweight”.Overweight - An example Watchlist of stocks that you rate as “Overweight”.It has been pre-populated with the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the NASDAQ Composite, the S&P 500 Index, the Russell 2000 Index and a number of other indexes from major world exchanges. Indexes - A Watchlist of important market indexes.My 401k - A Portfolio to track the holdings of your 401(k).The first time you start StockMarketEye, 1 Portfolio and 3 Watchlists are automatically created for you. At the top of this area, just under the active folder area, is a toolbar where you can select the time range of the chart as well as menus for adding technical indicators and configuring the type of chart (line, candlestick, etc.).

Chart Area : The lower portion of the right side of the StockMarketEye window displays the active chart.When you click on one of the items in the list, the chart for that item is displayed in the lower portion of the window. Under the toolbar is the watchlist or portfolio itself, including the stocks, ETFs, funds, options and currency pairs that are part of this list. At the top of this area is a toolbar which allows you to switch between the various views (prices, fundamentals, reports) as well as buttons to quickly access often used features. Active Folder : The upper portion of the right side of the StockMarketEye window displays the active portfolio or watchlist.When you click on one of the Portfolio or Watchlist names in the folders section, that folder will be displayed in the upper portion of the right side of the StockMarketEye window. Folders : The left side of the window is the folders section.There are 3 main sections in the StockMarketEye window. In this section, you’ll discover the key features of StockMarketEye so that you can get started quickly. Its simple, elegant and intuitive interface saves you time when doing market and stock analysis, while its investor friendly tools give you the information you need to make informed investment decisions. StockMarketEye is a powerful, yet easy-to-use application for tracking your investments and following the changes in your favorite stocks.