3.7 Lesson Plan 9 from Outer Space / Baboon / Portal Kombat.3.6 Pardon The Garden / Flat on the Door / Downward Duck.3.5 Bathy Daffy / Bullseye Painting / Rabbit Sandwich Maker / Window.3.4 Cro-Mag Numb Skulls / Trophy Hunter.
3.3 Frame the Feline / Boating License / Unlucky Strikes.3.2 Happy Birdy to You / New Love / Spring Forward, Fall Flat.3.1 Sam-Merica / Door Spin / BBQ Bandit.2.11 Looney Tunes Cartoons Back to School Special.2.8 Battle of the Bunk / Pull the Carpet / Hot Air Buffoon.2.7 Nip and Duck / Circular Fan / Asphalt Battery.2.4 Rage Rover / To Hive and to Hold / Battle Stations.2.3 Emotional Support Duck / Tennis / Adopt Me.2.2 Mummy Dummy / Shrinking Telephone Pole / In The Road Again.2.1 Red, White and Bruised / Rabbit / Jet Porkpelled.1.31 A Pane to Wash / High Wire / Saddle Sore.1.30 Pigture Perfect / Grappling Hook / Swoop de Doo.1.29 High Speed Hare / Rattle Snake / Nutty Devil.1.28 Marv Attacks! / A Wolf in Cheap Clothing.1.27 Raging Granny / Famous / Spare Me!.1.26 Mallard Practice / Mouse / Born To Be Wile E.1.25 Bounty Bunny / Underwear / Vender Bender.1.23 Key-Tastrophe / Hammer the Rabbit Hole / A Devil Of A Drink.1.22 Puma Problems / Bowling Ball / Duplicate Daffy.1.21 Shell Shocked / The Daffy Dentist.1.20 Shoe Shine-nanigans / Multiply and Conquer / Parky Pig.1.19 Postalgeist / Anvil / Fudds Bunny.1.18 Pitcher Porky / Cherry Picker / Duck Duck Boom!.