Reproduction – Viviparous, yolk-sac placenta. They sometimes take seabirds at the surface of the water. Prey – Feeds on relatively small prey: usually squid and pelagic fish, but also invertebrates and bottom-dwelling fish and small sharks. Their longevity is approximately 20 years. Mature females may breed annually, or on alternate years.

Males mature at 4-6 years: females at 5-7. General – In European waters, pups remain in offshore nursery areas until they reach about 4.3 ft in length, when they begin to migrate with other sharks of the same age and sex. Possibly the most wide-ranging of sharks because they live in such a broad range of areas. The shark is located world-wide in temperate and tropical oceanic waters (temperature 44.6 to 77✯, preferably 53.6 to 68✯, latitude 60ºN to 50ºS. They occasionally venture inshore at night, particularly around oceanic islands or where the continental shelf is narrow. Migrations often follow major trans-oceanic currents. Oceanic and pelagic, usually off the edge of the continental shelf from 0 to 1148.3 ft (deeper in warmer waters). Ĭurved, saw-edged, triangular upper teeth. Males mature at 6 to 9.2 ft, while females mature at about 7.2 ft.

This shark has a dark blue back, bright blue flanks and sharp demarcation to a white underside.Īt birth, the shark is 1.1 to1.4 ft in length. Mature females often bear bite wounds (mating scars). It is a slim, graceful shark with a long, conical snout, large eyes (no spiracles), and long, narrow scythe-shaped pectoral fins well in front of the first dorsal win with no interdorsal ridge. This shark is BLUE, and it is one of the most beautiful sharks.